Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cycle 4 - CD9

06 April 2006 Thur

angela did the scan this morning, commented the following:

retroverted uterus - that's new!
one of the ovaries stuck behind the womb - no known cause, no way of prevention, not due to d & c, will affect egg retrival if doing IVF.

the good news
2 follicles on L/R? ovary - 10mm each
1 follicle on the L/R stuck ovary - 13mm

lining is thin for CD9 - at 5.7mm, ideally should be 9mm by now. she prescribed estrodiol to be taken 3 times a day.

clomid can cause anti estrgenic effects which means that there is not enough estrogen in the body to make a thick lining.

the body creates further resistance to clomid after each cycle, hence even after a break of a few months, clomid will no longer work to induce ovulation.

this is where it becomes anti estrogenic and cause the cervical mucus to be hostile to sperm and as well depreciate in quanity.

to return on sat for scan, to test LH surge on fri, twice a day, AM and Eve.

IUUI probably on Mon or tue depending on Sat scan, will update later.

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