Saturday, April 02, 2005

Step 1b

Step 1b

normal pte gynaes - i'm seeing one now. He's a pretty nice guy - professional and his rates are reasonable and he's like 10 min walk away from home. galfriends i know are seeing him an dpraise him for his bedside manners.
so all in all, he's a good gynae altogether. I've been seeing him for the last couple of years for various women's issues - irregular menses, those that do not come and those that when they do come, forever never ending menses as well.

There's a saying to describe menses - 'yee mah (auntie) come to visit' - i don't think this is refering to anyone's favourite auntie.

so while i used to be relatively happy that there's non of the inconvenience of having menses most of the time, yee mah only visits like once in 3 months or she even goes on vacation for longer periods of time. that surely don't restrict my activities.

sometimes she visits and with a vengence stays for a couple of weeks or even once a couple of months. i thought i would have died of blood loss before i saw him about it. a jab later and a couple of days later, he managed to stop it.
so my visits to him is limited to him trying to regulate my menses and me trying to make sure that it doesn;t affect my life.

menses is a bane in my life. there's a joke to beware the one that bleeds a week and don't die of bleeding, well i should say, one should beware the one that bleeds for weeks and don't die.

It's a draining process. literally. getting drained of blood as well as energy. though usually by the second week or so, one gets used to the tiredness and just hope that it will go away on its own.

not to mention the grouchiness and the short temperedness. i know i'm grouchy, i know i'm short tempered. and i know that PMS is not an excuse to give in to all those 'feelings' - and i believe in mind over body. chemical reactions or not, i'm going to rein in my grouchiness and temper - which i think i do successfully most times - which results in a swollen tougue and retarded responses.

swollen tongue when one just bites on the tongue to keep that remark from slipping out, and retarded responses when one just have to find another diplomatic reply to that REALLY STUPID question.

ok, that gynae, why didn;t we start with him instead? well , come to it, we did start with him. i remember asking him about the chances of concieving with all that menses irregularity - even me, in all my attempts to decieve myself - know that something is wrong.

it got seriously wrong - he did a ultrasound scan- the sort whereby you donlt wish it on anyone else. He put a probe via the vagina and he moves it around to see the various reproductive organs. the good news is that it's all intact, the bad news is the cysts on the left ovary and the heavier than normal lining of the womb which he said will clear.

Now he's not hopeful that the cysts will clear and he said it's probably PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome - a serach on the net will tell you that a zillion women acorss the world have that and they sure talk about it.

I'm not too shattered back then, i wasn;t planning to have kids. i'm sure i didn't want to have kids. the only thing that plagued my mind was the higher possiblity of having cancer due to the irrgeular menses.

so half heartedly, i took the medicine he gave, which was meant to regulate the menses cycle. after months of having it and not having it, it got put on the back burner while i prepared to get a flat and do renovations and prepare for our wedding.

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