Wednesday, August 15, 2007

trigger shot and HPT

How long does it take synthetic hCG (trigger shot) to leave my body before I can test for pregnancy?

Every woman's metabolism is different, but as a general rule of thumb, you should allow 1 day for every 1,000 units of hCG you injected. The standard hCG dose is 10,000 units; thus, 10 days after the shot, the synthetic hCG should be gone and you should be able to test for pregnancy without detecting the shot. However, you should ask your doctor what the recommended protocol for your dosage is.
Some women choose to test daily to monitor the presence of the hCG in their bodies; once the synthetic hCG is gone, the tests become negative. If the hCG "comes back" and the HPT's turn positive again, it's likely due to a pregnancy and not the leftover hormone shot.

1 comment:

nutcase said...

all the best to you! hope you succeed!